Hydraulic studies carried out by 3D EAU

3D EAU is a consultancy specializing in fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and artificial intelligence applied to wastewater and drinking water management. The company offers a wide range of hydraulic studies, covering the design, diagnosis, and instrumentation of water management facilities.

Committed to sustainability and efficiency, 3D EAU provides tailored solutions for wastewater and drinking water systems, ensuring full compliance with local regulations and standards.

What kind of studies does 3D EAU typically carry out?

Validation and optimization of the design of hydraulic structure

conception et diagnostic d'ouvrages hydraulique

3D EAU’s validation of hydraulic structures offers a host of benefits. Not only does it ensure that your installations comply with current standards, it also guarantees their efficiency and durability. Our technical expertise enables us to identify and resolve potential problems, saving you time and money in the long term.

For exemple, we can :

  • Validate the design of drop shafs 
  • Enhance the reliability of river engineering projects
  • Optimize pumping reservoirs
  • Assess solid transport in sewer conduits
  • Design industrial products

CSO monitoring

3D modeling applied to hydraulics enables the measurement of sewer discharge without significantly altering the configuration of existing CSOs.

The discharged flow rate into the receiving environment can be assessed:

  • More accurately: By validating sensor placement, digitally calibrating head/discharge relationships, and evaluating associated uncertainties.
  • More economically: Through minimal structural modifications and the use of non-contact height sensors.
  • More efficiently: As height measurements are easy to monitor and control.

Wastewater flow monitoring

Diagnostic permanent

Measuring wastewater flow is crucial for the daily monitoring and evaluation of sewer network operations through strategically placed measurement points.

With its expertise in hydraulic analysis, 3D EAU ensures the optimal positioning of these measurement points and selects the most suitable measurement techniques to accurately assess transit flows:

  • More accurately : By ensuring quality data collection through an instrumentation tailored to the flow range of the measurement point.
  • More efficiently : By validating the measurement solutions best suited to the site’s challenges and constraints.